Sunday, May 29, 2011


I found the computer pen! Here's MY version of Courtney! (She's more blonde though hehe)
Inspiration from Justin Bieber's "Born to be Somebody". He is my IDOL!!!!!!! AND FUTURE HUBBY!! HOTNESS!

This is me being, laid back, and thinking about nothing. I'm somewhere where there are no problems, and I'm still getting it dirty :)
I call this, "Escape to Imagination", or "Math Class".

This one represents my love for Dr. Pepper, and it was also just for the sake of being gory! >;D
Haha, remember this one? I call it, "Elissa".
Well, whaddya know, its ME! SEXY!
Yeah, really sorry about this. Stupid drawing program! Sorry if you hafta squint! There are little wolves in the upper left corner :)
I know this isn't my art, but, it's just dang HOT!
Haha! I remember this! I never did do very well at math...:/ Oh well! I gotta be bad at something!